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Each treatment will be discussed at length, with you the client, and a bespoke treatment plan made. Hypnotherapy can be used for many issues that people may be suffering from. It is a holistic, non-medicated, natural way of healing by breaking old habits and making new healthier ones with the help of visualisation and MP3's.



An addiction is an obsessive, uncontrollable and often harmful attachment to an activity. Addiction is commonly associated with: alcohol, drugs, gambling, smoking/vaping, internet, work, sugar and shopping.

What causes addictions?

There are many reasons why addictions begin but usually it is how the addiction makes you feel physically

and mentally. These feelings are extremely enjoyable and create a powerful urge to use/do the substances/

behaviour again. It is almost like a mental 'high' followed by a strong urge to recreate that feeling. This then

can develop into a habit that becomes very hard to stop. 

How addictions can affect you?

The heavy strain of managing an addiction can seriously damage your own health, work-life and personal life, where you end up spiralling downwards. 



Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry and fear that can be mild or severe. Everybody experiences anxiety at some point in their life but it's when these anxious feelings become hard to control, are more constant and affect their daily lives that this needs to be resolved. Anxiety is also the main symptom of many other issues, including, panic attacks, social phobias, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), phobias. Other symptoms can be feeling worried about sitting an exam, job interview, going to the doctor/hospital.

Children's issues

Children's Issues

Clinical hypnotherapy works very well for children and I can help them to deal with many issues. Paediatric hypnotherapy is one of the most effective therapies transforming their lives through visualisation and hypnosis. I can help you with: bedwetting, nail-biting, insomnia, hyperactivity, concentration issues, phobias, depression, anxiety, confidence, pain, school problems and exam stress. I am DBS checked (advanced DBS checked) and I have worked as a Registered Nurse with children for many years in my career.



Confidence is important in our everyday life but it can seem as if everyone around you is confident and sure of themselves. Chances are they have doubts too. Confidence isn't something you have, it's something you create and have a belief in yourself. It's the feeling of certainty that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Creating confidence isn't about knowing it all, it's about trusting that no matter what happens in a particular situation you will be able to handle it and learn from the outcome. Learning how to become more confident is important in every part of your life but there are some situations when it's crucial especially when you feel like giving up. Examples are, in the workplace if you attend regular board meetings, lead a team of people, in your personal life to talk to and attract a life partner, in education when you are sitting important exams/tests, in a sports team you want to win and succeed.



Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms. This can range from lasting feelings of unhappiness and hopelessness to losing interest in things you used to enjoy and feeling very tearful. Most people with depression also suffer from anxiety. There can be physical symptoms too, such as being constantly tired, sleeping badly, no appetite. Severe depression can make you feel suicidal as if life is no longer worth living. Usually, there is a trigger for depression where something negative has just happened in your life or in the past, such as, a bereavement, losing a job, giving birth, trauma and past trauma.



Grief is a natural response to losing someone or something that's important to you. You may feel a variety of emotions; sadness, loneliness, depression, panic attacks. You might experience this due to a number of reasons; a loved one died, a relationship ended, you lost your job, chronic illness or a move to a new area/ country can also lead to grief. Everyone grieves differently and usually moves through the grieving process phases of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, in their own time. Understanding your emotions and what triggers them, maybe an anniversary or a birthday is a start in allowing yourself to heal.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. It is when the pressure in your blood vessels is unusually high. It can be serious if not treated. High blood pressure doesn't usually have any symptoms so the only way to find out if you have it is to have your blood pressure checked by yourself or the GP surgery. An adult BP is about 120/70.

Causes of high blood pressure

Stress in your life, being overweight, smoking, not exercising, some other medical reasons.

Lifestyle changes can help lower high blood pressure.



Insomnia means finding it hard to fall asleep, waking up many times during the night and feeling tired during the daytime. It can get better by changing your sleeping habits and having a bedtime routine by not eating and drinking before bed, having a relaxing bath, reading a book, going to bed not too late. An adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep and a child needs 9-13 hours of sleep.

Other causes

Stress, anxiety, depression, noise, a room that's too hot/cold, alcohol/caffeine before bed, shift work and jet lag.

Irritable bowel syndrome

IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is a common condition that affects the digestive system. The exact cause is unknown but it has been linked to food passing through the gut too quickly or too slowly, oversensitive nerves in your gut, stress and a family history of IBS.


Stomach pain/cramps, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, feeling sick, tiredness and lack of energy.


Menopause/andropause (male menopause)

Menopause is when a woman stops having periods and ends the ability to have a child. The decline of monthly hormonal cycles are between the ages 40-60 years old. As the production of oestrogen by the ovaries and pituitary stimulating hormones decreases, a woman ovulation and menstruation becomes less often and eventually stop. Hot flushes seem to be the classic symptom of menopause due to fluctuating hormones. Going through menopause can cause stress, anxiety, panic attacks and depression. 


Andropause is a condition that is associated with a decrease in the male hormone testosterone. Testosterone hormone is responsible for deep voices, muscle mass, facial/body hair. Hot flushes are a classic sign.


Both these conditions can be relieved by exercising, stress reduction, good nutrition. The GP will decide if hormone replacement is needed, herbal supplements can help.



Panic attacks, depression, anxiety, insomnia, weight gain, heart palpitations and mood swings.

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Panic attacks

Panic attacks

A panic attack comes from regularly having sudden attacks of panic or fear. Everybody can experience feelings of anxiety and panic at certain times as it's a natural response to stressful and dangerous situations. But someone with a panic disorder has feelings of anxiety, stress and panic regularly due to being afraid of something externally in their surroundings or internally. Panicky feelings can come in waves until they have found a 'safe place', followed by anxiety, physically drained and exhausted. This is a cycle of panic. Most panic attacks last between 5-20 minutes. The number of attacks you have depends upon how severe the panic attack is, it can be many times a week to twice a month.


Anxiety, racing heart, feeling faint, sweating, nausea, chest pain, trembling hot flushes, shaky limbs, dizziness and dry mouth.


Aims to reduce the number of panic attacks you have and ease your symptoms.


Triggers from a stressful period in the client's life, stress and health issues.

Pain management

Pain management

Pain is a feeling triggered in the nervous system and can be in one area of the body, such as the back, abdomen, chest, pelvis or all over the body. Pain can vary from mild to severe, sharp or dull, it may come and go or be continual. If you have hurt yourself, pain can help in identifying the problem.



There are many causes of pain: an accident where you have hurt your body on a short term basis or chronic pain that lasts beyond the healing of an injury. This can come from arthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica and back pain, multiple sclerosis, endometriosis, migraines, cancers and mental health.



Your GP can prescribe strong pain relief - codeine, oral morphine or you can take over the counter analgesics (paracetamol) and anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen). The drawback of this is long term damage to the body if using medicine on a long term basis. So if the client isn't getting enough medicine then the pain is still there and if using too much long term then the client could become addicted. Hypnosis can be used for everything from surgery, dental work and chronic pain. Hypnosis for pain relief focuses on local pain relief or numbing an area by altering the experience of pain by moving it to a smaller area or changing the sensation to a mild tingling instead of throbbing. 



A phobia is an overwhelming fear reaction to an experience, a deep sense of dread/panic when you encounter a source of fear. The fear can be of a certain place, situation or object, e.g. germs, snakes, flying, darkness, clowns, OCD, heights, enclosed spaces, death, public speaking, spiders, moths, open spaces, holes and many more.


An impact of a phobia can be devasting to a clients life as it can interfere with work, school, relationships and even getting on with life. If not dealt with, phobias can cause anxiety, panic attacks and depression. An estimated 19 million British people have a phobia that causes difficulty in their life and prevents you from leading a full life. People with phobias often realise their fear is irrational but they are unable to do anything about it. As a clinical hypnotherapist, I can help the client to learn ways to cope with these feelings and how to redirect their feelings.



Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger (real/imagined) the body's defences kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the "fight or flight" reaction or the "stress response". The stress response is the body's way of protecting you. When working properly, stress helps you stay focused, energetic. But if you frequently find yourself feeling frazzled and overwhelmed stress stops being helpful and can cause damage to your health, mood, productivity at work, relationships and your quality of life. At this point it's time to take action to bring your nervous system back into balance by improving how you think and feel, recognising the signs and symptoms of chronic stress to reduce its harmful effects. Other problems related can be: depression, anxiety, pain, sleep problems, digestive problems, heart disease and weight problems.


Stop smoking (smoking cessation)

Smoking cessation, also called stop smoking, is the process of discontinuing tobacco smoke. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, which is addictive and can cause dependence. Nicotine withdrawal often makes quitting difficult. In the UK about 70% of smokers would like to quit smoking and 50% have made an attempt in the past year. When thinking of stop smoking, you must make sure that you are doing it for you. 'Stop smoking hypnosis' works when the client REALLY wants to stop.

Benefits of stop smoking

Longer life expectancy, better breathing, more energy, younger-looking skin, more money, less stress.


When you have booked your session we can get to work in the process straight away. Stop smoking hypnosis is enough to break the habit it can also be combined with NRT (nicotine

replacement therapy) or medication. It will include 1 week of focused based tasks, a 2-hour Hypnotherapy session, a personalised MP3 and full support from me.

Stop smoking
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Tinnitus is the name for hearing noises that are not caused by sounds from the outside world. You may hear sounds in 1 ear or both ears or in your head. It may come and go or you may hear noises all the time. The noises can sound like buzzing, ringing, hissing and throbbing. Hypnotherapy can help relieve the symptoms.


Thyroid problems

The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system which is a collection of glands that produce hormones which pass directly into the bloodstream to control metabolism and growth. Sometimes things can go wrong and illness can be caused. Two common illnesses are hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid). Hypnosis can help a client reframe their view of their thyroid.

Thyroid problems

Weight loss/management 

We begin to want to eat when our energy stocks are low (internal trigger) or as we walk through a supermarket (external trigger, e.g. sugar addiction) or see a chocolate/food advert. We might even have emotional triggers that give us the desire to eat.

Weight loss


For some people, Coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone, this is called long-Covid. How long it takes to recover from Covid-19 is different for everybody. Many people feel better in a few day or weeks but for some people symptoms can last much longer. 

Symptoms of long-Covid can be:

Extreme tiredness/fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain/tightness, problems with memory/concentration, difficulty sleeping, heart palpitations, dizziness, pins and needles, depression/anxiety, and feeling sick/diarrhoea/tummy pain/loss of appetite.

I have had some great positive results lately with my clients using Clinical Hypnotherapy and other techniques.



ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active.

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