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"People will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel."

- Maya Angelou

Hypnosis is a basic human behaviour shared by everybody on the planet. We can't get through a day without experiencing common everyday trance e.g. driving to work, watching TV, reading a book, scrolling through Facebook late at night, as part of your mind is thinking put your phone down and go to bed, but 20 minutes later you find you are still on your phone scrolling. We have all done it! It isn't a condition of mental unresponsiveness but a state of mind where our normal awareness is reduced and attention is directed towards a specific idea or problem.


A hypnotic state (trance) means with my help, being a professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, a clients thoughts, feelings and behaviours can be developed in an extremely positive way. This happens using direct communication with the subconscious mind, which is a powerful tool for bringing about change. It is a holistic, non-medicated, natural way of healing by letting go of old habits and patterns of behaviour and making new, healthier ones with the help of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic tools (NLP) and MP3's. 


Hypnosis can be used for addicitons, anxiety, children's issues, confidence, depression, exam stress, grief, high blood pressure, insomnia, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), menopause, panic attacks, pain management, phobias, relaxation, stress, stop smoking, tinnitus, thyroid issues, weight loss and many more.

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